Pro-Life Discrimination at Noblesville High

While public schools love to claim they champion diversity and inclusion, many times, they don’t practice what they preach. Christian students in particular are often hindered from expressing their beliefs through clubs or other on campus activities. Moreover, schools are hostile toward parents and often prevent their involvement. Administrators have made it clear that they want to control students by filtering the ideas that are allowed on campus.
Micah Beckwith of The Times of Noblesville told the story of a freshman student who wanted to start a “Students for Life” club at Noblesville High School. From Beckwith’s column:
“Emma, whose last name has been removed per the family’s request, is a 15-year-old freshman student at Noblesville High School who felt led to start a pro-life student club called “Students For Life.” Early in the summer of 2021, Emma began laying the groundwork to start the club at Noblesville High School. Students For Life is a national pro-life organization designed to raise awareness for adaption and fight against the brutality of abortion. However, to Emma’s dismay, the school denied her the right to start the pro-life club at the direction of Principal Craig McCaffrey.”
However, the school prohibited her from starting the club simply because her mother was present at an informational meeting and the principal allegedly doubted that the club was student-led. This story unfortunately demonstrates both of the prevalent themes of disrespect towards parental involvement and hostility towards Christian and conservative ideas.
Parental involvement in schools should be encouraged – not discouraged. Parents have every right to be involved in their child’s education. In fact, they should be as involved as possible. However, our nation is undergoing an attack on parental rights and even our own government leaders have discouraged parental involvement, even here in Indiana. Superintendent Beth Niedermeyer has even implied that schools are better equipped to teach children than parents themselves.
Schools like Noblesville have made it difficult for parents to be involved and have displayed outright hostility to pro-life and Christian viewpoints. Clearly, it’s time we take back education in Indiana and support our children’s ability to be gospel-bearers to their brothers and sisters.
Let’s pray for a culture that respects both the family and the dignity of human life, and kudos to Emma in Noblesville for leading the charge to speak up for the unborn.