SB 340: Protecting Women and Children’s Health
SB 203: Crimes Against an Unborn Child
OPPOSE HB 1157: Assisted Suicide

Marriage and Family
SB 352: Privacy of Students and Families
SB 65: Informing Parents of Instruction on Sexuality
SB 68: Protecting Children from Crimes on the Internet
OPPOSE SB 418: Politicizing Criminal Sentencing (“Bias Crimes”)
OPPOSE SB 272: Changing Age of Compulsory School Attendance from 5 to 7

Religious Liberty
SB 302: Protecting 1st Amendment/Free Speech on Campus
SB 33: Houses of Worship and 2nd Amendment Rights
SB 277: Religious Exemption from Worker’s Compensation
OPPOSE SB 285: Encouraging Religious Liberty Violations Against Christians

Andrew Smith Center for Family Prosperity
SB 289: Increasing Adoption Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,500
SB 174: Tax Parity for Health Care Sharing Ministries
OPPOSE SB 151: Contraceptives and Sterilization at Taxpayer Expense
OPPOSE HB 1183: Mandating Contraceptives and Sterilization in Health Insurance Plans