
Be the first to see IFI’s Legislative Scorecard!


We are counting down the days until our Fall Dinner with Riley Gaines on September 16th, and we hope you are planning to join us. We know it will be an impactful evening you don’t want to miss!

Fall Dinner attendees will be the first to see our 2024 Legislative Scorecard, a resource that has been months in the making. In it, we evaluate the performance of state lawmakers during the previous legislative session based on several key issues. Click here to see past scorecards. Following the dinner, the legislative scorecard will be available on our website as a resource for future elections.

Legislators who scored 100% on this year’s scorecard – an incredible achievement – have been invited to attend the Fall Dinner with their spouses. We hope you’ll join us as we honor the lawmakers who are devoted to promoting faith, family, and freedom at the Statehouse.

In addition to receiving a copy of this year’s scorecard at the dinner, you will also have the opportunity to hear from conservative activist Riley Gaines, who is a vocal advocate of protecting women’s sports from the transgender movement. You can learn more about Riley and her experience with competing against a biological male at the 2022 NCAA championship here.

Tickets are selling fast! Don’t wait to secure your sponsorship. Click here to register.
