
Let’s help families flourish in Indiana


Here at IFI, we have a long list of goals. Each goal is identified to help us accomplish our overarching vision: to create an environment in Indiana where families can flourish. Defending parental rights, protecting life, promoting traditional values, and fighting for your First Amendment rights are all deeply important to us at IFI. All of these goals work in tandem to help us achieve our vision. 

We know what it will take for us to finally see the environment in Indiana we so desire. We also know what is hampering our success right now.   

We know that families will not flourish if the Church avoids applying the Gospel to the most pressing challenges facing our communities. The immense confusion surrounding gender and sexuality that is running rampant in our society today cannot be solved by secular notions of psychology – it can only be solved through understanding God’s design for humanity. We know that God created us male and female, to be united in the covenant of marriage, and raise children in a God-honoring family unit. These are the truths we cling to; these are the truths that will bring revelation and revival to our nation.

We know that families will not flourish if Hoosiers are in legal danger for living out their faith, like John Kluge and Kathy McCord, who were both public school teachers fired for expressing their convictions. Both of these cases are currently wrapped up in ongoing litigation, and through our close partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom, we hope to see both John and Kathy vindicated by the U.S. Supreme Court.

We know that families will not flourish if schools are teaching students to hate God, each other and their country. We must stand as one in opposition to the lies of Critical Race Theory and the LGBT agenda in our schools. These curricula are brainwashing our children with leftist ideology and pulling them away from God. IFI is actively working with over 20 school districts across the state to organize and help them bring common sense back to our communities. 

Hoosier families will flourish if parents are able to raise their children according to the dictates of their conscience with government and other institutions encouraging them in this effort rather than attacking them. “Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Hoosier families will flourish if we have servant leaders in the church and our state’s institutions, with Jesus as their model, who are committed to applying the Gospel to the biggest challenges in our communities. We need public policies that punish evil and reward good – not the other way around.

Hoosier families will flourish if students are allowed to live out their faith at school and are taught to love each other and their country, even though it is imperfect. 

IFI is on the frontlines fighting to ensure that your values are protected and your family has the opportunity to thrive in our state. We have seen incredible progress over the past year that we are immensely grateful for – but it has not come without a price tag.

Thankfully, we have received over $700,000 in donations this year thanks to our incredible sponsors and supporters.

That means we are only $50,000 away from our year-end goal!

For us to continue our mission of defending your values and creating an environment in Indiana where families can flourish, it is absolutely essential that we meet this goal.

We know we can accomplish this with your support. Every dollar counts! Your pledge of $25, $50, or $100 goes a long way.

We’re excited about what God has in store for Indiana in 2024. Wouldn’t you like to be part of the next and best chapter for Hoosiers?
