
Queer Magic?

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sent out an email celebrating “Pride Month” with their new line of merchandise, prominently featuring hats, stickers, and posters with the phrase “Queer Magic” – whatever that is. Take a look below:

As you know, the ACLU is just one of many organizations and institutions who are trying very hard to force us to conform to the sin of this world. There are very few organizations like Indiana Family Institute who boldly and openly stand for biblical truth in love to a broken and perverse culture. Right now is the perfect time for each of us to take a closer look at where we’re spending our money and whether those organizations support or defy God’s Word. Perhaps it’s time for us to change the focus of our charitable giving before our country is known more for “Queer Magic” than being the land of the free and the home of the brave.

If you’re tired of seeing our culture promote and invest in the wickedness of the LGBT agenda, please consider backing IFI in our efforts to promote biblical values in the public square. It is not an easy fight, and we need your support.

Click here to donate today!
