
SUPPORT HB 1042: Give Parents Oversight Over School Boards

Provides that the primary voting history of each candidate for school board office for the two most recent primary elections must be indicated on the ballot and if a candidate did not vote in the most recent primary elections, that fact must also be stated. Provides a procedure to adjust the term of office of certain elected members of the governing body of a school corporation. Increases the maximum annual salary of a school board member from $2,000 per year to $5,000 per year. Requires the state board of education to establish a maximum per diem rate for meetings of members of the governing bodies of school corporations, including Indianapolis Public Schools. Requires the governing body of each school corporation to file with the department of education (department) a copy of the school corporation’s organization plan and all amendments to the organization plan. Requires the department to publish each school corporation’s organization plan on the department’s Internet web site. Requires a school employer that is seeking to hire a prospective employee to contact the school employer that previously employed (or is currently employing) the prospective employee and request certain information.

House Bill 1041 helps ensure Hoosier parents know who oversees their child’s education. The bill accomplishes this by revealing the primary voting history of each school board candidate. This helps Hoosier parents have more knowledge of the views and beliefs of the candidates they are voting for in school board elections. Additionally, the bill outlines procedures for adjusting terms of office for elected members of school boards. This helps keep school boards accountable to the community they live in and represent. Furthermore, the bill encourages fiscal responsibility, by requiring the state board of education to establish a maximum per diem rate for meetings of members of governing bodies of school corporations. The bill also increases transparency by requiring school corporations file with the department of education a copy of the school corporation’s organization plan and all amendments to this plan. This department is then required to publish these organization plans on the department’s website. This provision helps parents and community members review and understand how their child’s school systems is governed and organized. Finally, the bill helps ensure that candidates for open teaching positions go through a proper review process by requiring school employers to contact the school the job candidates worked for previously.

Conclusion: Overall, House Bill 1041 is an important piece of legislation the Indiana General Assembly should pass this session. The bill ensures accountability and transparency in elections, school governance, and the teacher hiring process.
