
We need your support


Hiring additional staff is an important long-term goal for us, so we can be fully equipped to fight for your rights at the Statehouse, Supreme Court, and beyond. Many of our goals are contingent upon hiring additional support staff in the coming years to get us to the finish line, and this year we are saving toward that pursuit.

You may be wondering what those goals are, and why they require additional staff. Here are a few of the things we have coming down the pipeline, and why it’s essential we add more dedicated workers to our team:

IFI’s Education Initiative: We still have a lot of work to do to help school districts push back against liberal indoctrination and bring back common sense. We’ve touched at least 20 school districts in Indiana, but the successes in some of those districts need to be leveraged in other places around the state. Right now we only have one staff member addressing education issues for the entire state – pointing back to our need for additional support staff. 

Hoosier Leadership Series: We believe that by growing our alumni association and engaging the other 400 alumni across the state, we can activate a Christian, conservative army of leaders throughout Indiana. The ripple effects of that army would be felt  statewide. We need additional staff to manage our alumni and create those relationships between alumni and our current class. 

Five Freedoms Project: Even though our general counsel, Josh Hershberger, is doing an immense amount of work on a number of important legal issues, he is stretched thin and can only take on a few cases at a time. The work we are doing with the Five Freedoms Project focuses on quality over quantity, and it is deeply important work (such as representing the Cox family), but many great opportunities are slipping through the cracks. For every important case, many other Hoosier families are not able to be helped. We are hopeful that we can expand our legal team in the coming years to fight for even more families who have had their rights violated. 

Church Ambassador Network: We’re incredibly grateful for several out-of-state donors who helped us create the Church Ambassador Network and continue to fund its existence, but we know their support is not permanent. We need this program to be 100% Hoosier funded. We only have two staff members managing the Church Ambassador Network, ministering to over 10,000 churches throughout the state and thousands of state and local elected officials. The fields are ready for harvest, but the workers are few. 

Would you pray about standing in the gap, and helping us meet our yearly needs like never before? Our 5-year-goal is to consistently raise $1.6 million. This is a stretch, but we know that nothing is impossible with our God. Will you be an ambassador of His kingdom and help us? 

Please consider taking a leap of faith this year and doubling your donations from 2023 to help us multiply our impact in Indiana. We are eager to expand our efforts in the legislature and beyond, but we can’t do it without your support.
