
Just Released: IFI’s 2024 Legislative Scorecard


Each year, IFI creates a “Legislative Scorecard” to review the performance of state lawmakers during the previous legislative session. It has proven to be an insightful tool for voters seeking transparency and honesty from their representatives. We’re pleased to finally share our 2024 Legislative Scorecard with you ahead of the November election so you can cast an informed vote.

The 2024 Legislative Scorecard graded lawmakers based on whether their votes aligned with IFI’s core values on several critical bills. Three of those bills are described below:

SB 17: Age Verification for Adult Websites – PASSED

This much-needed bill prohibits minors from accessing adult-oriented websites containing harmful materials such as explicit sexual content. SB 17, which has been signed into law by the governor, requires adult-oriented websites to verify the age of users through a mobile credential or third-party verification service. If a minor does access an explicit adult website, their parents or guardians may sue the website’s operator, which could lead to an injunction against the site.

SB 202: Protecting First Amendment Rights in Universities – PASSED

SB 202 establishes protections for the First Amendment rights of faculty, staff, and students in Indiana universities. Under this bill, faculty members who do not foster “a culture of free inquiry, free expression, and intellectual diversity” may be subject to disciplinary action by their institution’s board of trustees, preventing professors from forcing political or ideological agendas onto their students. It also establishes protections for faculty and staff members by ensuring they are not required to make a pledge that supports the institution’s belief system or agenda. We are thrilled that this bill was signed into law by the governor and took effect on July 1st before the school year began.

HB 1137: Religious Release Time Instruction for Public Schools – PASSED

HB 1137 requires principals at public schools to allow students to attend religious classes during the school day, provided the classes are off school property, privately funded, and parent permitted. This concept is protected by a 1952 US Supreme Court ruling but was never brought to fruition in Indiana law. We believe HB 1137 will revolutionize Indiana schools and positively impact countless lives. This bill has been signed into law by the governor.

You can read more about the other bills legislators were graded on in our 2024 Legislative Agenda.

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