

Just Released: IFI’s 2024 Legislative Scorecard

9/30/24 Each year, IFI creates a “Legislative Scorecard” to review the performance of state lawmakers during the previous legislative session. It has proven to be…


Thanks for joining us!

9/25/24 Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Fall Dinner last Monday. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, learning, and honoring our faithful…


Never miss an election again – Take…

9/19/24 Christians are called to be salt and light in our culture, but the American church has grown apathetic in the stewardship of our rights…


Six days until IFI’s Fall Dinner!

9/10/24 We are less than one week away from our Fall Dinner featuring Riley Gaines! If you registered to attend, the details are below. The…


Dinner Update: Pro-Family Legislators in Attendance

9/3/24 We are less than two weeks away from our annual Fall Dinner on September 16th, and the event is almost sold out! If you…


Be the first to see IFI’s Legislative…

8/27/24 We are counting down the days until our Fall Dinner with Riley Gaines on September 16th, and we hope you are planning to join…