
UPDATE on HB 1041 to Save Women’s…

UPDATE on HB 1041 to Save Women’s…

HB 1041 was heard in the Senate Education Committee yesterday. As is the custom in that committee, testimony was heard on the bill, but any amendments…

Planned Parenthood Attacks HB 1217

Planned Parenthood Attacks HB 1217

Last week, the Indiana House of Representatives voted to advance crucial pro-life legislation. House Bill 1217 makes coercing a woman into an abortion a felony and requires…

SB 11 Passes the Senate

SB 11 Passes the Senate

Indiana Family Institute has been working to support SB 11, and it just passed in the Senate yesterday. The bill allows documents of educational or…

Protect College Sports, Too

Protect College Sports, Too

Indiana Family Institute has been working to advance HB 1041, a bill which would simply protect opportunities for female athletes. The bill passed the House,…

What Would Happen if Liberals Were in…

What Would Happen if Liberals Were in…

Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) recently introduced HB 1047, and although the bill likely won’t even advance out of committee, it’s a reminder about what would happen in…

HB 1041 passes House Education committee

HB 1041 passes House Education committee

HB 1041 passed the House Education committee yesterday by a vote of 8-4! All Democrats in attendance voted against HB 1041 and all Republicans voted…