

The Hoosier Leadership Series is Coming!

Are you looking for an opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills and make a positive impact in your community? If so, I encourage you to…

A betrayal over the holidays…

A betrayal over the holidays…

I hate to belabor the point, but I feel like this could have easily been missed around the bustle of the holidays.   As 2022…

Tell Your Representatives to Protect Children!

Tell Your Representatives to Protect Children!

One of my goals for IFI has always been to grow our capabilities so that we are strategically helping Hoosier families who are under attack…

Legislative Session Has Begun

Legislative Session Has Begun

It is the start of another year, and another session of the legislature has begun. Each session, our team here at the Indiana Family Institute…

Kids are being Sterilized in Indiana

Kids are being Sterilized in Indiana

“Gender-affirming” care, a nearly unresearched group of medical interventions that can leave the patient maimed for life, is being marketed to Indiana’s children, completely disregarding…

Growing Anti-Christian Discrimination

Growing Anti-Christian Discrimination

As we warned in the run-up to the passage of the Disrespecting Marriage Act, the growing tide of anti-Christian bigotry will not stop until our…