
Be the first to see IFI’s Legislative Scorecard!


We are counting down the days until our Fall Dinner with Riley Gaines on September 16th, and we hope you are planning to join us. We know it will be an impactful evening you don’t want to miss!

Fall Dinner attendees will be the first to see our 2024 Legislative Scorecard, a resource that has been months in the making. In it, we evaluate the performance of state lawmakers during the previous legislative session based on several key issues. Click here to see past scorecards. Following the dinner, the legislative scorecard will be available on our website as a resource for future elections.

Legislators who scored 100% on this year’s scorecard – an incredible achievement – have been invited to attend the Fall Dinner with their spouses. We hope you’ll join us as we honor the lawmakers who are devoted to promoting faith, family, and freedom at the Statehouse.

In addition to receiving a copy of this year’s scorecard at the dinner, you will also have the opportunity to hear from conservative activist Riley Gaines, who is a vocal advocate of protecting women’s sports from the transgender movement. You can learn more about Riley and her experience with competing against a biological male at the 2022 NCAA championship here.

Tickets are selling fast! Don’t wait to secure your sponsorship. Click here to register.



Get to know Riley Gaines


At this year’s Fall Dinner on September 16th, we are incredibly excited to welcome Riley Gaines as our keynote speaker, who rose to fame after tying with a biological male in the NCAA freestyle women’s championship in 2022. Since then, she has become a vocal advocate of women’s rights, especially in athletics, and has amassed over one million followers on X and hundreds of thousands of followers on other social media platforms. 

“It’s wild to me that I’ve now garnered over a million followers just on X alone for saying something that in the nearly 250 years we’ve been established as a country has never been controversial,” Riley noted. “But now, and in the world and the time that we live in, it is deemed controversial. All I’m saying is men and women are different.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Riley’s story.

IFI is a strong proponent of protecting women’s sports in Indiana and we are looking forward to hearing Riley’s thoughts on how we can best support female athletes in our state and ensure women’s spaces are reserved for only biological women.
Would you like to meet and get a picture with Riley? Check out the sponsorship options below.  

We hope you are as excited as we are to hear from Riley on September 16th. CLICK HERE to secure your tickets to join us today!



HLS Recap: Education Day


We had a wonderful time at last month’s Hoosier Leadership Series class learning about education in Indiana. We were joined by several field experts who shared on topics ranging from homeschooling to educational freedom.

Former Indiana State Representative Cindy Noe kicked off the day with an overview of the history of education in Indiana – where we’ve come from, and where we are today. During her time as a representative she served on the Education, Family, Children, and Human Affairs Committees, and the insight she provided into our discussion on education was illuminating.

We also heard from Senator Jeff Raatz, chair of the Education and Career Development Committee, who spoke about fighting on the frontlines for educational freedom and parental rights. President and CEO of the Institute for Quality Education Betsy Wiley also spoke about educational freedom and school choice in Indiana. 

As public school systems around the nation continue to grow more secular and pose a threat to parental rights, many families are turning to homeschooling so they can direct their children’s education and upbringing. Kylene Varner of the Indiana Association of Home Educators spoke about the growing movement and how to become involved in home education in Indiana.

Although it may be an uphill battle, we have seen incredible progress in the Indiana education system through a bill passed in the last legislative session that requires principals at public schools to allow students to attend religious classes during the school day, off school grounds, with parental permission. We have partnered closely with LifeWise Academy to promote their Biblical education program during school hours. Senior Advancement Representative Brandon Exford joined our HLS class to share more about LifeWise’s mission and why religious education is so essential in the public school system.

HLS students also continued their leadership training that delves into their individual strengths under the direction of B23 Strategies.

As always, we are incredibly grateful for our sponsors, who help make the Hoosier Leadership Series possible: The Heritage Foundation, B23 Strategies, Vertical Immersive, Americans for Prosperity, Adler Law Firm, Ash and Oak, and Samaritan Ministries.

If you’re interested in taking part in next year’s Hoosier Leadership Series, you can apply here, or email HLS Director Valerie Swack with any questions: This class is an excellent way to learn how to apply your faith in a more effective way within the public square. We highly encourage you to consider participating next year!



Register Now: Fall Dinner Sponsorship Options


Our annual Fall Dinner is just over one month away and we are pleased to share our sponsorship options as you consider joining us for this exciting evening. 

Each sponsorship tier includes its own list of benefits, from meeting keynote speaker Riley Gaines and being featured on social media, to securing a reserved table in your name. Take a look at the options below:

Every dollar raised as part of our Fall Dinner will go toward defending our shared values of faith, family, and freedom. We could not accomplish all that we do without your consistent financial and spiritual support, and we are grateful for the opportunity to honor you for your participation in our organization through this dinner, while simultaneously securing the funding needed to continue our important work. This event is our most crucial fundraising opportunity of the year, and it determines where we will be able to allocate money for the upcoming year. 

Click HERE to register!

Whether you spend $50 or $5,000 to join our Fall Dinner, we are incredibly grateful for the role you play in our organization. We hope to see you on September 16th!
