
SUPPORT HB 1041: Protect Women’s Sports

House Bill 1041 requires athletic events to be designated as: 1) a male, men’s, or boys’ team or sport; 2) a female, women’s, or girls’ team or sport; 3) a coeducational or mixed team or sport. This bill prohibits biologically male students from participating in female sports. It protects most educational institutions from liability in a civil, administrative, disciplinary, or criminal action.

Over the last few years, Americans have watched liberals redefine gender identity in sports. Progressives claim that all individuals should be allowed to compete in men and women’s sports based on the gender they identify as. Women and girls across the United States have faced the unfair consequences of this unsound practice, as individuals who were born male, now claim to be female, and dominate women’s sports.

However, we know that our Creator endowed men and women with different biological abilities. For example, a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that men had an average of 26 lbs. more skeletal muscle mass than women. The same study found that women exhibit 40% less upper-body strength and 33% less lower-body strength than males. Based on these facts, we know that biologically male athletes have an inherent advantage over biologically female athletes. In order to preserve the integrity of Hoosier women and girls sports, HB 1041 prevents biological males from competing in women’s sports.

IFI supports amending House Bill 1041 to include postsecondary institutions, protecting women collegiate athletes as well.

Hoosier sports have a long history of fair, competitive women’s sports play. Indiana must not allow this winning tradition to be ruined by unsound liberal fantasy. It is critical that the Indiana General Assembly preserve and protect the veracity of women’s sports by passing HB 1041 into law this session.



SUPPORT HB 1190: Ensure Freedom of Speech on Campus

House Bill 1190 protects freedom of speech on college campuses by establishing that state educational institutions may not suppress free speech in common areas of campus, and may not discriminate against a religious, political, or ideological student organization’s free expression. House Bill 1190 requires institutions to publish free expression policies to promote objective standards be applied to all student organization activities. It also provides accountability to state universities by requiring them to report any disruption in an organization’s free expression, the nature of any disruption, and any disciplinary action taken towards student organizations to the governor’s office.

As the last few years have shown us, higher education institutions are trending toward limiting conservative organizations full exercise of their freedom of speech rights. Organizations that celebrate left leaning and progressive ideologies are given large platforms on college campuses. These liberal organizations are praised and promoted by higher education officials for their ‘inclusive’ and ‘progressive’ viewpoints.

On the other hand, conservative organizations that promote conservative viewpoints are silenced, and sometimes even disciplined for sharing their conservative, pro-American viewpoints. Liberal higher education officials claim these conservative organizations are comprised of ‘bigots’ and ‘small-minded’ individuals. Higher education institutions use these labels to justify silencing and disciplining student organizations who exhibit conservative ideals.

House Bill 1190 helps address this issue by requiring universities to publish standards and rules regarding freedom of speech for all student organizations. Widely known, universal standards will inform student organizations on appropriate forms of speech and help them identify unfair treatment. Additionally, House Bill 1190 requires universities to report any disruption in an organization’s free expression. This transparency creates accountability for the universities. This legislation protects all student organizations from discriminatory practices regardless of religion, political affiliation, or ideological beliefs.

House Bill 1190 preserves freedom of speech on college campuses. We must ensure freedom of speech and our core American ideals are not suppressed. Protecting Hoosier college students from liberal indoctrination starts by preserving and protecting one of our most basic rights, freedom of speech. House Bill 1190 holds higher education institutions accountable for preserving or infringing on a student organization’s freedom of speech.



SUPPORT HB 1122: Create Safe Zones for Kids

Prohibits sexually oriented businesses from operating within one thousand feet of property occupied by a childcare center, public or private school principally attended by students under eighteen years of age, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club facility, public swimming pool, playground open to the public, youth sports facility, or children’s amusement establishment. Allows businesses until June 30, 2025 to comply with the legislation. Allows the attorney general, county prosecuting attorney, local government unit, or resident of the county in which a violation of this law occurs to bring an action to enforce violation in a circuit or superior court in the county.

The sex culture has become more and more prominent in the United States. It is more important now than ever that we ensure our children’s innocence is protected from exposure to obscene and sexually explicit materials. House Bill 1122 supports this goal by prohibiting sexually oriented businesses from operating near areas where children are typically present. Additionally, the bill empowers local community members to hold businesses accountable who violate this proposed legislation. The bill does this by allowing community members to file suit in the circuit or superior court where the violation occurs.

Conclusion: It is imperative the Indiana General Assembly pass House Bill 1122 to protect Hoosier children from undue sexual influence and exposure to explicit materials.



SUPPORT HB 1097: Keep Schools and Libraries Safe for Kids

Removes the defense to prosecution for dissemination of matter or conducting a performance harmful to minors that the matter was disseminated or displayed to or that the performance was performed before the recipient by a bona fide school, museum, or public library that qualifies for certain property tax exemptions, or by an employee of such a school, museum, or public library acting within the scope of the employee’s employment

In current Indiana Code, it is illegal to give children pornographic material. However, it is perfectly legal for a school or library employee to hand a child pornographic material due to an exemption currently found in Indiana Code. This bill repeals that exemption. Minors should not be exposed to pornography, nor should they have easy access to it through tax dollar funded institutions. 

It is critical the Indiana General Assembly pass this legislation in order to protect the innocence of Hoosier children. No one should be allowed to supply children with pornographic material simply because they work for a public library or school.



OPPOSE HB 1065: Stop Useless Regulation

Provides that the state health data center shall maintain statistics concerning race and ethnicity, sex, primary language, and disability status. (Under current law, the center is required to maintain statistics concerning gender and ethnicity.) Requires the center to adopt and implement the data collection standards established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Provides that a health care professional and a community health worker must complete two hours of cultural awareness and competence training every two years. Establishes training requirements. 

Liberals are trying to worm their philosophies into every possible sphere of influence. House Bill 1065 is a prime example of this trend. To illustrate, the bill requires health care professionals and community health workers to complete two hours of ‘cultural awareness and competence training.’ While this training may sound harmless at face value, it is actually a trojan horse for progressive ideals. For example, the bill requires this training to include instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity. These LGBTQ principles and ideals are irrelevant to a health care workers ability to carry out their responsibilities and duties properly and efficiently. This bill is simply another liberal attempt to inject progressive philosophies into American’s everyday lives.

The Indiana General Assembly should defeat this bill, as it does nothing to benefit or improve the State of Indiana. In fact, the bill is regressive in nature, as it forces liberal ideals on a certain class of individuals based on their profession. Liberals should not have the ability to project their beliefs onto health care professionals in the name of ‘cultural awareness’ and ‘competence.’ The ideals presented in this bill have nothing to do with cultural awareness or competence and thus the bill should be defeated.
